Tuesday 7 January 2014

Vince Vaughn's got a lot of mouths to feed... Scott Gentry reviews "Delivery Man".

"Delivery Man" (12A)
Director: Ken Scott.
Starring: Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders. 
Rated: 12A for containing moderate sex and drug references, and one use of strong language.
Running time: 104 minutes.
Out now in UK cinemas.

"Delivery Man" follows the story of David Wozniak (Vaughn), an underachiever who after donating close to 600 specimens of his sperm to a fertility clinic (20 years ago); realises that he has inadvertently become a father to the largest family in the world. When 142 of his children set out to find the identity of their father, David is faced with two choices, accept the challenge of parenthood, or remain anonymous. Will he do the right thing?

Typical Vince Vaughn comedies are rude, crude and extremely unfunny, but from the offset "Delivery Man" proved to be a better film than I believed it to be. After viewing the film's trailer, I wasn't really sold on the idea, and felt it was just another pay-check for Vaughn. However, it seems as though I was wrong. By all accounts, I'm not saying it's perfect, but it definitely is entertaining.

The one thing I can't quite understand is why Ken Scott has remade his already popular Canadian film "Starbuck". Using the exact same plot-line, the original film is far more popular with American audiences than his re-make "Delivery Man" is. I suppose it's just another case of Michael Haneke's "Funny Games". 

Personally, I'm finding it quite hard to understand why "Delivery Man" is classed as a comedy, because it's quite the opposite. Sure there are funny scenes, but the film relies on often sad and dramatic stories which sometimes don't fit in well with the 'comedy' genre. A feel-good film yes, but not really a laugh out loud comedy. 

Vince Vaughn in "Delivery Man"

Vaughn acts considerably well in his role, which proves he can act when given a reasonable script and character. Cobie Smulders ("The Avengers") is fairly convincing as Vaughn's girlfriend but her talents seem wasted, as the actress is not given a large amount of screen time. Chris Pratt however manages to steal both Vaughn’s and Smulder’s thunder, by contributing an enjoyable supporting role, which is both hilarious, as it is touching. 


Sweet, funny and just right, a film like this is hard to pull off, but it seems Ken Scott and his crew prevailed. 

6 stars out of 10.

Written by Scott Gentry.

Film Rating Key

1-2 stars out of ten = Awful.
3-4 stars out of ten = Average.
5-6 stars out of ten = Good.
7-8 stars out of ten = Excellent.
9-10 stars out of ten = Amazing.

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