Thursday 9 October 2014

“Annabelle” deserves its critical mauling and more; this shameful excuse for a film only helps to further destroy the already tarnished face of the horror genre. Written by Scott Gentry.

“Annabelle” (15)
Directed by: John R. Leonetti.
Starring: Annabelle Wallis, Ward Horton, Tony Amendola, Alfre Woodard and Eric Ladin.
Rated: ‘15’ for containing strong horror and bloody violence.
Running time: 99 minutes.
Released in UK cinemas from the 10th of October, 2014. 

I love horror films. Hold on, let me rephrase that. I love good horror films. Yes, sit me in front of “The Exorcist” or “The Shining” any day, but tinseltown has broken the last straw. For years eager horror fans have suffered under Hollywood’s appalling ability to churn out the latest jump-scare ridden horror films and generate large amounts of revenue from the films which insult our intelligence. This time, they’ve gone too far.

So, the latest horror cash-grab is a prequel (did we really need it? Of course not) to 2013’s critical and financially successful hit, “The Conjuring”, starring Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga. Set in the glossy world of 1970’s California, our film follows the life of a young couple named Mia (Wallis) and John (Horton), who are happily unaware of the horror which besets their world. In fact they are completely unaware of religious cults until the night their neighbours are brutally murdered by two Satanist cult members, and are subsequently attacked themselves. The couple survive and attempt to continue living their lives. However, in the months following the attack, Mia begins to wonder whether the strange doll which was bought for her by John, is linked to a series of weird occurrences within the home…

As expected, the film is plagued by tonnes of jump-scares, constant scenarios which are particularly reminiscent of better horror films (see "Rosemary's Baby"), and some of the least intriguing performances for some time. The film’s only saving grace would be Wallis’s acting talents, as she shows a particularly good ability to engage the audience, despite a clichéd script and shoddy filmmaking.


Do yourself a favour, go out and buy (if you haven’t seen it already, and if so, I’m very proud!) “Rosemary’s Baby". It's a tense and terrifying film filled with expert performances, a delightfully devious plot and horrific imagery. Don’t give in to Hollywood, avoid “Annabelle” at all costs. 

2 Stars out of 10
Written by Scott Gentry. 

Film/TV Rating Key
1-2 stars out of ten = Awful.
3-4 stars out of ten = Average.
5-6 stars out of ten = Good.
7-8 stars out of ten = Excellent.
9-10 stars out of ten = Amazing.



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