Tuesday 22 July 2014

The First Trailer for Morten Tyldum's "The Imitation Game" (2014), Starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Kiera Knightly, and Charles Dance

by Jon Petre

The first trailer has been released for this November's biopic of legendary code breaker and mathematician Alan Turing, with Cumberbatch starring as the man himself.

I really admire Alan Turing, because in case you didn't know, he not only cracked the Enigma code (which helped us to win the war, by allowing us to read their secret messages) but also invented the first modern computer. Turing was however gay, at a time when that was a punishable crime--which, led to [SPOILERS!]

Anyway, the film looks to be dramatic, if emotional. It's out on the 21st November this year, and I'll be reviewing it as and when it graces our cinemas. Here's the trailer.

But be forewarned! Despite how promising the film looks (Star Theory, anyone?), this is exactly the type of trailer that I despise. It gives away the whole plot, more or less, although if the biopic covers all of his life (not just the war years, what happened before and after) there will be lots of rich material for Tyldum to mine. Don't watch the trailer if you want the film to be fresh and engaging--it's a good story, trust me.

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