Monday 21 October 2013

A review of "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2", written by Jon Petre.

Hey everyone! Today's review is going to be filled with meaty food puns, and for once I'm not going to be making Swiss cheese of this baloney! It gets worse...

I went to see "CWACOM2" with a slight/large sense of apprehension, as (unsurprisingly) it's a kids' movie, and I'm neither a child nor a parent. If I had gone on my own, then maybe the mothers would've kept a large circle of empty seats around me, and I'd end up on a list. Or rather, a larger circle, as due to the fact that I was wearing a hoodie that obviously meant that I was going to kill their 2.5 conservative children.

The movie jumped straight in-I suppose it had to with such a short run-time. I did like the fact that Chester of the company, Live Corp was basically an evil Steve Jobs; that fact was basically the bread and butter of the movie. Flint has been given his dream job, working at Live Corp; but his fantastical machine that makes giant food has gone haywire (again) and is making living food animals. I won't give up much more, as personally I think it really takes the biscuit when a review ruins a movie.

I'll stop now.
I always thought that there was a really nihilistic undertone to the movie-eventually with that machine the water cycle will run out. If not soon, at some point. Also, if all vegetables ca
n now live and think, then what do people eat? I don't think the producers thought that one through. But then again, the movie is for eight year olds.

All in all, it was quite a good film, compared to some of the tripe they pedal out for the yung'uns these days. It was a nice escape and the story-line in general was good, I liked the way that the "CWACOM" movies have the theme that children should base their self-worth not on their looks but on their personality. My only qualm came from the short runtime and the fact that Mr. T wasn't returning in this one. Either way, his character was very funny. It's hard to find something wrong with a movie that's for kids--if it's not entertaining, what's the purpose? Come on, you can cook and eat 'em if you wanted to. You know what, I don't have to impress you.

Unlike my Morlockian counterpart, I will continue the fabled five star system. Of five, I would give "CWACOM2" a four stars out of five.

(4 Asterisks out of Five)

Film Rating Key
1-2 stars out of ten = Awful.
3-4 stars out of ten = Average.
5-6 stars out of ten = Good.
7-8 stars out of ten = Excellent.
9-10 stars out of ten = Amazing.

Written by Jon Petre

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