Sunday 7 July 2013

Scott Gentry reviews "Man Of Steel" the epic new superhero film from Zack Snyder, director of "300" and "Dawn Of The Dead"

"Man Of Steel" (12A)
Director: Zack Snyder
Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane and Laurence Fishburne.
Rated: 12A for containing moderate violence.
Running time: 143 minutes.
Out now in UK cinemas.

Sent from the planet of Krypton, a young boy begins to learn that he may not be like other children and that in fact, he may be the key to saving humanity in years to come, through using his strength, wits and the trust in the symbol of his planet, hope.

Since the critical abomination that was "Superman Returns" in 2006, the prospect of another Superman film was looking fairly shallow. Development began in 2006, when Warner Bros began to speak to comic book writers on the possibility of a reboot to the dying franchise. Discussion carried on, Mark Millar and Mathew Vaughn offered to do a four part Superman series and Christopher Nolan showed great interest in it. However, the project was left in the dark.

In 2010, countless directors were approached, but only one came out on top. Zack Snyder. For me this was (possibly) going to be a problem. I had lost some faith in Zack Snyder recently due to his critical and financial flop, "Sucker Punch"; however I believe that "Man Of Steel" has put him back on track.

Let me start by saying, "Man Of Steel"  was never boring. It is in fact hugely entertaining. The film itself includes a certain quality that manages to integrate action, (hints of romance), an epic score and some brilliant acting. This is where "Superman Returns" failed. You could argue that "Man Of Steel" had a biblical meaning, and that Kal-El/Clark Kent is Moses being sent out into the world to save the humans. I don`t know what you believe personally, but to me that's what it felt like.

The soundtrack of the film is superb. Written by Hanz Zimmer ("Inception"), it includes some amazing tracks, that capture the style of the Superman series. In particular, "Flight" which plays during the sequence of Clark Kent`s first flight can only be described as simply epic. The action sequences (for the first half of the film) are exhilarating, but become dull in the last half an hour. Special effects are a key contributor to the film and are used to great effect.

Th directing is better than ever, with Zack Snyder firmly gripped onto a project which he had been aching to take on from the start. A return to the gritty style used in "Dawn Of The Dead" serves well here and perhaps a sequel will follow, if the audience respond well.

The acting from most of the cast is entertaining to watch. Henry Cavill ("The Tudors") is a perfect Superman, who mixes wit and charm into a great character. Amy Adams portrays Lois Lane in a fairly boring performance which doesn`t bring out the feisty character, whom we know from the previous films and comics. Michael Shannon shines as General Zod, a manic general from Krypton who wishes to re-build Krypton on Earth. His role is used to great effect and is a joy to watch. From recent roles, we can see that Michael Shannon is rising to fame but in moderation.

In summation, "Man Of Steel" brings out the best in Superman and delivers a great storyline, with fantastic effects and memorable acting. Finally a Superman worthy to follow the originals. Zack Snyder, well done; you have redeemed yourself. 


Written by Scott Gentry.

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