Saturday 4 May 2013

What makes you tick whilst in the Cinema? Asks Scott Gentry.

I don't know about you, but the thing that really makes me angry whilst watching a film; is the small teenagers who don't know when to be quiet. Maybe it`s just me; but I think not. From the moment you set foot in the auditorium, the kids and teenagers are busy sending messages, playing games or phoning a friend. 

The preferred weapon of choice for the modern age teenager, seems to be a Blackberry phone, in which they message each other on the insanely popular Blackberry Messenger, or BBM for short. 

In February of this year, I watched "Warm Bodies"; a popular zombie-comedy. As I entered the cinema screen, I witnessed hordes of young annoying children. Once the adverts began to roll, I wasn`t too bothered. For nearly ten whole minutes, I was forced to watch expensive videos of Cars being driven through exotic places, beautiful women and the odd Mobile phone advert. Trust me when I say, it was highly annoying. 

Then the trailers for up-and coming films arrived, the trailers nearly always grab my attention; but it seemed not to grab the attention of the mindless teenagers who sat before me. The trailers then went on, but the kids still played on the their phones. 

Then, the Films opening credits began to role and the teenagers were still playing! They took pictures with their phones (with the flash mode on) and some even decide to play musical chairs by running around the cinema oblivious to the excellent film (which they paid good money for) which is standing above them. 

Well, it seems to me that teenagers have a very small attention span. I must confess, that I myself, am a teenager; but when I visit the cinema, the only thing on my mind is my checklist.

Checklist for the Cinema:
1) Pay for your ticket.
2) Trip to the toilet (you don`t want to miss anything).
3) Enter the auditorium.
4) Find a good seat (preferably at the back).
5) Switch of phone and enjoy the film.

At the end of the day, it is common decency to be quiet during a film. Just think back to the days when they had ushers. I say,

What do you think? What ticks you off on a trip to the cinema?
Let me know in the comments section!


  1. You forgot asking questions to people about the film you are both watching at the same time so how will they know the answers

    1. All sorted now Mr Masters! Please re-read the article and I welcome some positive feedback!

      Scott Gentry.
