Saturday 13 April 2013

Paranoid Writer obsessed with Laundromats, Murderers and Hedgehogs-A Fantastic Fear of Everything Written by Jon Petre

"Writers and Serial Killers are very similar. They're practically brothers."
Crispin Mills' "A Fantastic Fear of Everything"(2012)has received generally negative reviews. I'm here to tell you that those people should be shot a little bit. I saw the movie on TV tonight, and I honestly think this is the best film I have seen since The Hobbit. 

The film follows Jack (Simon Pegg), a children's writer turned true crime novelist, who had been researching gruesome Victorian murders for his new book. Unfortunately, this has made him a nervous paranoid agoraphobic cynic. He's not changed his clothes or left his flat in three weeks, and has been carrying around a knife just in case for all this time.

His agent contacts him with the offer he's been waiting for: A publisher wants to buy his book! He just has to confront his biggest fear: Laundromats. Will he manage to travel through Hackney, wash his clothes and meet his publisher in time without being murdered? Oh, and his knife is glued to his hand.

This was a truly hilarious movie from start to finish. The jokes were funny and original, and I really liked the strange cut-aways that Jack experiences in his mind, which were in the style of Fantastic Mr. Fox.

Clare: Oh, Jack, go back to Children's Books. Whatever happened to Harold the Hedgehog, who was scared to cross the road?
Jack: I hate that c**t. That f**ker ruined my marriage.

The chronicles of Jack were very entertaining, and a trick I use to gauge how good a film is is to see whether or not I really care if the protagonist reaches their goal. And I can honestly say I really wanted Jack to get his book published when we paused halfway through.

From a literary point of view, the film is extremely well written. The humor was scrupulous and well thought-out, and there was a large undertone of Freudian psychology  in the origin of fear and our psychological make-up.

Jack [Narrating]: Wait, American? Must be a mobster. Wait wait wait...
[Goes to drawer and fishes out a tape]
Jack: Aha! The very same Mix-tape I used to woo Nancy!
[Puts it into a boombox and presses play]
Tape: Word-up M****r f******g c**t f****rs
Jack: Oh, the songs of angels!

I heartily reccomend this one to anyone. Forget the other reviews, I was in fits. You'll really enjoy it and It's defiantly the funniest movie I've seen this year.

Four Stars!!!

Written by Jon Petre

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